
Mér datt í hug svona í gamni hvort það væri hægt að þýða bloggið mitt yfir á ensku í Google  Útkoman var svona eins og þegar útlendingar, sem ekki hafa ensku  að móðurmáli og kunna hvorki ensku né íslensku, eru að reyna að tjá sig á enska tungu.  Ég ætla því ekki að benda henni Angelu vinkonu minni í Englandi á þennan möguleika þegar hún kvartar yfir því að geta ekki lesið bloggið hjá mér.

Enski “translate” textinn á síðasta pistlinum mínumer svona:

Absolutely thrilled.

Now I’ve to write English, my friends and go from that to go abroad and send some stamps and all, so now you just put in the mailbox one day.

As it is fun to create and write jólakortin it’s that finish in the end, which often takes time, especially the email exchange to foreign friends in the other I ever heard one or is connected to on Facebook. I always feel so good when it’s all been Clap and finish and the presents are all ready for you can dútla only the man who wants most of all.

Otherwise, I have been very good at loitering in this Christmas and this week has flown in on nothing but fun. Prepared to go to concerts, visits, a woman visited me, take a pleasure, see jólaþorpið in Hafnarfjörður and eat smoked at Ikea. – Ha, ha, I just became the latest to add this, because we thought that the brilliant minds in the evening when I’d go to the post office and then complete my cards, because then I’m not bothered wondering what I ought to be cooked, let alone that I am bothered at dinner. Yes, Ikea never fails to so ögurstundum.

Now I see the clock is advanced one so it may best to get to bed.

Enjoy the weekend – this is such a wonderful time. ”


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